About Me
My earliest memories of fishing are rowing my father around on a Sears gamefisher, me on one oar and my brother on the other, while my dad stood in the bow and fly-casted poppers to largemouth bass. Fast forward to college graduation, and moving to South Florida where I continued to fish freshwater canals and started fishing in the salt. ​
I have been inshore and offshore in South Florida for more than 40 years, both coasts and the Keys. Since buying a conch house in Key Largo near Tavernier Creek, I have fished Florida Bay, the Atlantic, and Loxahatchee weekly.
I Captain a 25-foot bay boat, and head back country if the wind is blowing, or nearshore or offshore if weather permits. I know of no place anywhere that offers the variety of catch here in the Keys. Come down and let me show you.
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